Erickson Beamon.
Stunning presentation for Erickson Beamon at Milk Studios…violins, champagne, ballerinas, diamonds….what could a girl want more?
Stunning presentation for Erickson Beamon at Milk Studios…violins, champagne, ballerinas, diamonds….what could a girl want more?
this is gorgeous!
Hi, love your blog and your illustrations! Just discovered you via IFB … following you on bloglovin’ now.
I have a small project I’m going to email you about (commissioning an illustration)
keep in touch! xo
Holier than Now
on bloglovin’
Wow, so beautiful
OMG those crystal jewels are so great.
So beautiful, feminine, fresh, love it ! And I could say the same about the design of your blog you know
Thanks for your comment !
I love the excess of these pieces, seriously all I have been wanting to wear lately is piles and piles of gold jewelry so you can imagine how in love with this I am (people in the blogging community use ‘love’ too much). totally gorg though.
Oh, My! The necklaces are to die for! I want all of them! Looks like such a fabulous event! xoxoxoo
Great post – I love Erikson Beamon – even the line the did for Target! Thanks for spotlighting such great designers
Thank for posting! I was a ballerina in this, it was really awesome.
Wow S! that is amazing!