10 Tips on why to bring your own bag and making it a habit
I have always been a huge fan of “being a bag lady” and using less paper and plastic. I think it is one of the easiest ways to incorporate into your daily routine and be green. I have recently made the change from Brooklyn to a small town in North Dakota. It is not quite as popular here as it was in New York where people asked me if I even need a bag because so many people already bring theirs. Luckily it’s a small town so everyone knows that I am that girl who brings her who own grocery bags. Hopefully I will start a trend, right?! So here are some reasons of why you should make this a habit. As well as some quicks tips on how to, whether you live in a big city or tiny town.
Illustrated bags from: baggu | Ban.do | Kate Spade
1. Reusable bags made of cloth, canvas and etc. have the possibility to replace the use of 1000 plastic bags or more in their lifetime!
2. Plastic is made of petroleum, therefore very harmful to the environment. It takes hundreds of years, let me say that again HUNDREDS to completely break down in landfills.
3. FACT. Americans use, on average, anywhere from 300 to 700 plastic bags each year, per person. There is currently more than 7,250,00 tons of plastic polluting the world’s oceans at this very moment. Eeeeeek.
4. More than 46,000 pieces of plastic contaminate each square mile of our oceans. Okay, now think about that and then all the cute things you love in the ocean. Dolphins, starfish, seahorses or if it helps the things you like to eat in the ocean as well!
So now that you have a few facts that make you cringe. You say, but how am I supposed to remember to always bring a bag with me? Well here are a few helping points:
5. Buy a couple different small packable bags such as baggu that you can carry in your purse. I am always switching purses so I try to have a couple different ones.
6. Have large durable ones for grocery shopping, make a habit of keeping them in your car. Or if you live in the city keep them next to your fridge or grocery list so it is easy to grab them before you run to the grocery store.
7. Keep one bag at where you work, also keep them by your coat rack or by the door. Some people store coupons in them so they definitely do not forget.
8. Many grocery stores give you a discount to bring your own bag. or like Trader Joes they put your name in the raffle : )
9. Bringing your own bag is good for the animals, it means that wildlife won’t get tangled in them or eat them.
10. And IF you do forget and have to pick between plastic or paper. Pick plastic and then make sure to recycle it. Plastic bags require less energyy to produce and generate less solid waste than paper bags. ** And if you do use plastic you can reuse it for many uses, mini trash bags for small trash cans, broken glass, or many other reasons.
Darling, I like your blog very much! I like your style of writing and your photos! Everything is so beautiful!
I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)
Diana Cloudlet
Great post, and great tips!! Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope you have a fabulous week ahead<3
I keep a little stack of these reusable bags in my car- then when I pop into a store, I just grab a few and go!
Le Stylo Rouge
You are so right and in the past I was much better in bringing my own bag with me! Thanks for remembering
xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
LOvely post.
I always make sure to bring my bag at times.
It’s very convenient.
Check my new post.
The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin
I completly agree with this post. I have a lot of canvas bags and I love them, however annoys me when I go to the shops and I forget to bring them with me!
Great post! I always brought my own bags at home in Germany and there was nothing wrong with it. More people should jump on that bandwagon! Now I live in Australia and it is a bit harder because it’s such a plastic bag society here when it comes to grocery shopping. Actually thanks for the reminder! I forgot about how important these little changes are, I need to pay more attention to bringing my own bag to the shops again!
Love this, very helpful & so very true.
In Austin, we are now required to bring-your-own-bag. I just keep a huge pile in my car so that I remember! This is an awesome post!
My Closet Life Blog
These bag illustrations are so cute. I love them! Great post!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
i didn’t know a lot of this, thanks for sharing!
I live in L.A. and we have to bring our own bags or we get charged 10 cents per bag. I carry a bunch in my trunk now, haha! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I’ll be following you from now on through Bloglovin, love your art! Hope you will follow my blog as well if you like :))
great post sweety!
happy day!
Love this post! I’m kind of a nut when it comes to recycling. We do our grocery shopping every two weeks and buy a ton to feed the four in our household for the two week period, so it can be kind of tricky bringing enough bags our our own. However, I ALWAYS get the plastic and bring them back to the recycling bin the next time we go so that they can be used again. Our grocery store actually states on the bin that the plastic bags are used in making milk cartons…pretty cool!