Be Green + Lovelie Tip #4



Such a simple way to help the environment, these little reusable bags that you can stash in your purse! I won’t go into the devestating details of how paper and plastic can impact our wildlife and trees etc. I will just give you this little reminder! So when you are off to the Farmers Market or shopping in town this weekend…BYOB!! YES LETS!

reisenthel | baggu | flip & tumble

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Be Green + Lovely tip #3



Yay! Spring has almost arrived!  It is time to take out my vintage bike and ride to the Farmers Markers and fill my basket with local goodies:)

Want to know where a local Farmers Market is near you?  Another way to eat locally would be through a CSA(community-supported agiculture). You can find both through Local Harvest by putting in the city you live in.

Not only does buying local mean the food is more fresh, but you are helping the environment out in a big way.  #1 you are reducing the amount of oil needed to transport food long distances.  #2 supporting nearby farmers strengthens the economy in your own backyard!


Be green +lovely tip #2



This seems to be all the rage these days, everyone is doing it even Paul Mcartney.  If you eat less meat you can save 1.4 tons of greenhouse gases every year just from eating half as much meat.  I love having family dinners with my flat mates, so going to make this one a group effort……and have fun!

5 simple ways to live sustainably.


we have all heard of these before….but just like you tie a little string around your finger, it is always good to have a reminder…..especially a REALLY CUTE reminder!!

OH and PLEASE PLEASE I want to hear, what do you do in your daily routine to give some love back to the earth….maybe I will illustrate it here !!

be green + lovelie. get a bike.


i hopped on the bike trend one year ago and I still cannot get over how amazing it is.  and it seems my friends here in NYC have the gotten the bicycling-craze too. summer days here are getting better and better!

and on my wish list for biking in the city, here are some fave finds from TriBeCa bicycle boutique Adeline Adeline.

The Poppy bike.

cute basket. i think it is made for kids. but i still kinda want it.

and bell. ding. ding.