Green Girl: 7 fab tips for biking safely



Here are a few basic rules, most likely you know.  But just incase you don’t I wanted to share! When I first got a bike in the city I was absolutely clueless.  And a little bit scared!  But once I got used to it I rarely ever want to take the subway.  Especially when the weather has been amazing, it was like discovering New York City all over again.

1. Be a super careful bicycler! The above illustration is a little comic version of me. Obviously I dont bike around with kittens in my basket, maybe just farmers market finds. But I am super careful, maybe even a bit slow, so I mine as well have kittens in my basket.  This illustration describes perfectly how I feel when on the road in a dress and heels with a bunch of cyclist and their professional gear!!   I feel a bit ridiculous, but in a good way : ) I would much rather be on the slow side and super alert, which is very important.  If you are biking in the city this is not the time to be listening to headphones and talking on your phone.

2. Pretend you are invisible. This goes right a long with being super careful. If you just pretend you are invisible, that’ll do the trick.

3. Be on the alert for flying doors. Yep this happens constantly, or cabs pulling over. So just train yourself to always be on the look out for people getting out of their cars.

4. If you get angry, get off! period. We dont need any more angry cyclist out there!

5. Oh, and please do wear a helmet.  Cover your pretty little head. There are not so many good lookin’ helmets out there. But there are a few, check out Public Bikes for some cute ones!

6. Get regular check ups. In the beginning of each season it is a good idea to get your bike fully checked out.

7. Dress the part. I personally prefer biking in heels over flats. Every time I wear flats my shoes always slip.  Heels are awesome, because you can just lock them into the pedal.  My fave shoes are my Nina Zs.  With the wooden heel, it is perfectly fine if it gets a little scuffed.  I think its cute that way.   I usually wear rompers or dresses.  If the dress is a bit short I like to wear American Apparel bike shorts under neath, or these bloomers are super cute too.

Let’s Get Organized!


If you haven’t had a chance to download my  “Let’s Get Organized” PDF of cute little to-do lists and calendar’s with my illustrations and graphics.  Click here for the fabulous download!  You will find a meal planner, weekly planner, day planner, Birthday and password tracker, goal setter and to-do lists. Enjoy! LetsGetOrganizedDownload

Where is July going?!


Can’t believe it’s almost halfway through July?!  Hope everyone is having an amazing summer. If you haven’t yet be sure to download my printable calendar to make all of your planning so much better! Filled with awesome illustrations by yours truly!  Calendar is through 2016. Click this link to get the download:
