Fan Club: Atlantic Pacific.
When I saw this cute little pose by Blair from Atlantic-Pacific….it was screaming… draw me! draw me! So here we are the latest addition of Fan Club! I love Blair’s use of color and her Jewelry collection is pretty outlandish too! She has a way of being lady-like + playful…with just a dash of funkiness that keeps it interesting. I love it!
Fan Club: The Concrete Catwalk
Meet Fan Club’s newest addition Jessie from The Concrete Catwalk. I met Jessie at the IFB conference this last Fashion Week, she captured me with her great sense of style + sweet personality. This Kansas City Fashion Blogger + Stylist also has an amazing knack for scarves!! Follow her this summer as she started a super fun thing called Scarf Swap with a few other bloggers! Here are some of my fave looks of The Concrete Catwalk
Fan Club: Calivintage
California Girl + Vintage Lover Erin from Calivintage has the cutest blog. Her outfit photos make us all want to dash off to the West Coast, and I always love her Friday Favorites, it’s a go-to for finding new loveable bloggers!
Fan Club: Click/Clash
my dear friend Susie G…..has an amazing blog of cool party kids + street fashion mavens. check her out.