Free Printable Weekly Planner
A well planned week is a productive week. With a busy schedule, it can be difficult to make time to plan effectively. But there are simple steps that you can take to make sure you stay on track. I love using my Weekly Planner to plan my week. By using this Weekly Planner you can plan your week with ease and style. This fashionable planner will help plan your week effectively and keep your schedule organized. Get ready to make the most of your time and say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed.
I wanted to share a few tips with you how I plan my week. I like to start by making a major list of everything I need to do. Also known as a brain dump or master list. This gets everything out of my head and then I have a running list to refer back to.
2. Then I write down 6-8 things/projects from my list that I want to focus on that week on the bottom of my weekly planner in the notes section. I prioritize what is most urgent and what will move me closer to my goals.
3. I like to write my to-do list for the next day the night before. I keep it to about six things (this can be hard). This way I will be less overwhelmed and if I finish I can always keep going on with my to-dos.
The Weekly Planner is also great for blocking your week out, meal planning, exercise plans and more! Not only will you be more organized but your desk space will be much cuter! I created this illustration in my watercolor signature style and also made it so you can print it in your hair color + skin tone, how cute is that! Just add in your information below and I will send you this adorable printable Weekly Planner. And then your well on your way to plan your week in style!
Lacee Swan X Pilot Pens for Project Runway All-Stars
Are you a Project Runway fan? I remember it when the very first season came out. So when Pilot Pens reached out to me to collaborate with them for Project Runway All-Stars Season 20 I was all about it! Not only a fan of the show since the beginning because it brings me back to my FIT days studying Fashion Design. But also how cool are these FriXion erasable pens & highlighters from Pilot Pens. Perfect for sketching and allowing unlimited do-overs! Shop them here on Pilot Pens website or Amazon and I loved this one especially for sketching.
For Project Runway All Stars Season 20 premier I illustrated Brittany Allen’s feminine dress with a sporty touch! Lace, hot pink and butterflies, yes please!
For Episode 2 it was the famous Unconventional Challenge which was hosted at the iconic FAO Schwartz toy store. Who doesn’t love a toy store! And how fun it was to see everyone’s creations. My favorite was Viktor Luna’s whimsical design created out of stuffed dinosaurs and boomerangs!
For Episode 6 it was Totally 90’s bringing in my fave gal Jennie Garth from 90210. I illustrated Anna’s cool 90’s sleek look with the movie Clueless vibes!
For Episode 7 the challenge was to create high fashion looks featuring undergarments. My fave was Brittany Allen’s design, I loved the luxurious fabric and the ruffled sleeves, obviously! I love a good ruffle.
For the Avant-Garde challenge in Episode 13 inspired by the One Summit Vanderbilt building in Manhattan. I loved the shimmery fabric and it was so fun to translate in watercolor. And my FriXion pen’s made it so easy to sketch because I could erase any mistakes!
For the finale Bishme was the winner! Here is his final look with this stunning ball gown!
This was such a fun collaboration and I absolutely loved using my FriXion pens!
Free Printable Autumn Bucket List
Autumn is here! Now is the time to soak up all things fall! I created this free printable download for you to celebrate the new season! Super cute decor for your office space, refrigerator, bulletin board or little gems bedroom. Sign up below to get this super cute printable in your hail color + skin tone!
10+ Lists you need to be super organized!
I am just in my studio thinking of you all and wondering if anyone else gets overwhelmed with so much to do?! If any of you are like me and always trying to find ways to be more organized…. lists have always helped me!! ….Organization is not my strong suite so creating things to help me do that and of course nothing more inspiring that when it is pretty + cute! Here is 10+ lists to keep you super organized and operating as your best self!
A Master List/Brain dump list: this is an ongoing list and perfect way to get everything out of your head. Then you can work from this list to plan your month, week, day.
Monthly: having a monthly list you can set your intentions and goals for that month as well as plan months in advance.
Weekly: I rely on my weekly to-do list often and love to work from my Master List. I then add my top six things I need to get done that day. I love to use Sundays as my planning day and set my goals for that week.
Fitness Progress: what gets tracked grows!! If you have a fitness goal writing it down is a great way to get there! Even tracking habits for a week to have a reset on your health habits works wonders too!
Shopping Lists: an ongoing list will save you lots of time as you remember what you need while cooking, cleaning and doing every day activities.
Meal Planning: I love to try new recipes and a meal planning sheet definitely helps me do that!
Birthday/Anniversary: I am still working on this….to never forget these important dates! So of course I had to create this for myself!
Passwords: with digital or paper this is a must need list!!
Other lists to keep you organized….or just for fun! I have always loved making lists ever since a young girl. Whether it was my dreams, things I wanted to do, see etc!!
~a declutter list
~book to read
~cleaning list
~places to go
~bucket lists
~email to send
And whatever list you want to create!
Whether you are a digital gal or always paper, I have these super cute planners to keep you organized and your very best self!
Valentine’s Day Bucket List!
Get in the Valentine’s mood with this super cute Valentine’s Day Bucket List! Valentine’s is always a good reminder to also take care of yourself so you can better care for others! Grab the printable here!