Live on East Village Radio


This Monday I got the opportunity to Guest Dj with one of my favorite Radio Show’s eva! Guilty Pleasure with Elhaam Yavari Steele……such a pleasure to hang out with her and have a mini dance party in the booth! She is a such a sweetie!

{in the booth for Guilty Pleasure on East Village Radio}

{girl talk with the beautiful host Elhaam Yavari Steele}

You can listen to the show here!

Here is the full playlist of the show! Wasn’t too hard for Elhaam and I too Dj together, as I have been a huge fan for the show for a long time, and most of the songs I brought I have discovered from her show!  She airs every Monday night from 8-10 on  IF you haven’t checked out her Guilty Pleasure show…you should! She has incredible music taste!!

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