5 Benefits of Coloring!


Benefits of coloring for kids

Inspires calm. Coloring is not only therapeutic for adults but also for kids! Coloring is a great way for kids to feel calm, meditate, and practice patience. With the simple stroke of a crayon they can share their emotions, frustrations, and feelings. It will help them to sit and relax while they create their art.

Sparks imagination. Starting with a coloring page is like giving them a blank canvas because they can do so much with it. They can go out of the lines, or stay in the lines! They can color people purple with hot pink hair if they like….or unicorn hair! It is a great way to encourage uniqueness to your child. In my own coloring book series

I left some spaces with more white space than others so they can dream up the place they want the character to be in. Coloring is a fabulous way to spark their imagination!

Helps them for school. Coloring can help kids with school with all kinds of skills, like eye/hand coordination, the beginning stages of hand-writing, and the ability to just sit in a chair longer than they’re used to!

Nurtures self-expression. Coloring is a great way to share emotions through colors and pictures. It also allows kids to express their feelings in pictures when they may not have the words to explain how they feel. I was definitely the kid who preferred to express through art, and I still do today! You can learn a lot about your little one by the images they draw or the colors they use.

Boosts confidence and self-esteem. Finally, coloring can give kids the confidence to be true to themselves. It is a great way to own their own style. It will also give them confidence to go to the next step in their creativity. Once they go from feeling good about coloring they will be more likely to want to draw, paint, or take on whatever art that inspires them!


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