Live-sketching at Nordstroms


I had the pleasure of live-sketching couture fashion illustrations for Nordstroms.  The collections were absolutely stunning and it was a dream come true.

Live-Sketching for Ulta Beauty


It was a wonderful day collaborating with Ulta Beauty for their Holiday Press Preview!  I don’t mind working when I am surrounded by glitter, sequins, pinks + purples, metallics + disco balls!
ulta beauty x lacee swan

Fashion Illustrations by Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty

Fashion Illustrations by Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty

Fashion Illustrations by Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty

Fashion Illustrations by Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty

Fashion Illustrations by Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty

Fashion Illustrations by Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty

Fashion Illustrator Lacee Swan for Ulta Beauty