Traveling Chic.


Hi friends! Just got back from an amazing weekend in Detroit, suffering a bit from food coma though 🙂 It’s good to be back in New York to my salad and smoothie routine. As much as I love dining out, I prefer cooking at home, it’s nice to know what is going in the food, you know 🙂  Here is a quick snapshot of me arriving in Detroit. My go to airport outfit: high bun, sweater, fancy necklace, skinny jeans, high heels(but comfy) and a good ol big bag like this one from Rebecca Minkoff.  I am absolutely terrified of flying, but I do love airports. Which is why it is important for me to dress up a lil and enjoy the scene at the Airport Lounge! If you are following me on Instagram….then you have already seen this lil candid gem—but if you are not, you should be! @laceeswan

| Necklace: DIY by me (tutorial coming soon) | Sweater: thrift | Bomber Jacket: thrift (similar here) |
|Jeans: c/o Levis | Bag: c/o Rebecca Minkoff |