Free Printable Weekly Planner


Free Printable Fashion Weekly Planner | Lacee Swan

A well planned week is a productive week. With a busy schedule, it can be difficult to make time to plan effectively. But there are simple steps that you can take to make sure you stay on track. I love using my Weekly Planner to plan my week. By using this Weekly Planner you can plan your week with ease and style. This fashionable planner will help plan your week effectively and keep your schedule organized. Get ready to make the most of your time and say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed.

I wanted to share a few tips with you how I plan my week. I like to start by making a major list of everything I need to do. Also known as a brain dump or master list. This gets everything out of my head and then I have a running list to refer back to.

2. Then I write down 6-8 things/projects from my list that I want to focus on that week on the bottom of my weekly planner in the notes section. I prioritize what is most urgent and what will move me closer to my goals.

3. I like to write my to-do list for the next day the night before. I keep it to about six things (this can be hard). This way I will be less overwhelmed and if I finish I can always keep going on with my to-dos.

The Weekly Planner is also great for blocking your week out, meal planning, exercise plans and more!  Not only will you be more organized but your desk space will be much cuter! I created this illustration in my watercolor signature style and also made it so you can print it in your hair color + skin tone, how cute is that! Just add in your information below and I will send you this adorable printable Weekly Planner. And then your well on your way to plan your week in style!

    How to start a Letter Writing Habit….


    how to start a letter writing habit

    Did you know April is National Card and Letter writing month? The perfect month to start a letter writing habit if you do not have one yet. When we spend so much time online, taking time off-line is so good for the soul. We will feel good writing the note and the recipient will too!! But it’s not like we need another thing to add to our to-do list.  Right?!  A hand-written note will make you stand out in a digital world! So here are some simple tips to make your personal note routine easy and fun!!

     Gather Supplies.
    Hello shopping therapy! There is something so luxurious about pen to paper and picking out supplies that are personal and so you is a lot of fun!! Gather pens, envelopes, cards, papers, stamps and an address book.  

    Have a special place.
    Have a writing nook and a place where you store your stationery supplies.  It can be next to your desk, on a shelf  or a special drawer.  If you don’t have a large space you can have a large envelope  or you keep everything in a box.  This step will make everything so much easier and you can just grab your stationery kit and sit down when you are ready.

    Start Small.
    Write one short note inside a greeting card or a little flat note like these. See how good it feels to write, seal, stamp, and send a simple note.

    Keep an ongoing list.
    Have a special list of recipients next to your stationery station and whenever someone comes to mind jot it down. It could be a thank you, someone you have been thinking about, someone you want to reconnect with, somebody who is recovering or healing, someone about to graduate or start a new job, or a special occasion coming up. Address books always have a list by month where you can put Birthdays, special dates down.  A also have this one here you can just print it out!

    Make it special.
    Letter writing is the perfect time to unplug. Brew your favorite tea or coffee, or sit down with a glass of wine. Light up a candle in your favorite scent. Turn on some relaxing music, I love this Parisian cafe one.  Bring your stationery kit to your local coffee shop or park. And let the birds be your music!  Make this time fun!!

    Do what you love! 
    Do you like making your own cards? Do that! If you like cards that are so you like the ones I create (wink wink), do that! 

    Give yourself a challenge.
    For #NationalCardandLetterWritingMonth give yourself a challenge! If you are just beginning your new habit, start with one! If you can do three, I love doing a thank you, encouragement and thinking of you, read more here.  Pick the # that feels good for you as a challenge.

    Most importantly just be kind to yourself, building a card and letter-writing habit is an extra sweet way to reach out to the people we love. It should feel good to you, too.

    how to start a letter writing habit

    Types of Letters to write this Holiday Season + writing prompts.


    The Holiday Season is a perfect time to start the practice of letter writing. Sitting down to write a hand-written note is a great way to slow down in our busy schedules. Here are a few way’s besides the Holiday greeting to reach out to loved ones this throughout the year:

    The Thank You:  This is a great time to say thank you to that special person who went out of their way for you. As well as just saying thank you for being a friend.

    Thinking of You: The Holiday season is a wonderful time to reconnect with people. Maybe there is someone you haven’t talked to in a long time.  A Holiday card is a great way to reach out and let them know you are thinking of them.

    The Encouragement: If you know someone who is going through a tough time the Holiday is a nice time to send a note of encouragement. Along with letting them know you are there for them also take the time share something you like and appreciate about them. This is when they need to hear it most.  A kind word can go a long way!

    If letter writing seems overwhelming to you.  Start with one of each and think of who you really want to thank, who you want to reconnect with and who you want to encourage.

    Here are a few writing prompts to help you:

    The Thank you: 

    • Of all the Christmas gifts I get each year, the one that I cherish the most is your love and companionship. Thank you for being such an important part of my life!
    • Merry Christmas, friend! Thank you for all the joy and laughter you brought into my life this year!
    • Happy holidays to my very best friend! Thank you for making me smile day after day.
    • You are a very dear friend, and this Christmas, I want you to know how much your friendship means to me. Thank you for your ongoing gifts of patience, empathy, and understanding. I couldn’t have gotten through the year without you!

    The Thinking of you:

    • Season’s greetings, my dear friend. Your friendship brings me so much joy and happiness throughout the year. I am truly blessed to have you in my life!
    • Merry Christmas, friend! Thank you for all the joy and laughter you brought into my life this year!
    • Merry Christmas! Can’t wait to catch up on hugs when we see each other next.
    • It’s time to gather around the Christmas tree, share good food and good company, and give thanks for the love of friends and family! Thinking of you this holiday season and wishing you all the best for a prosperous and happy New Year.
    • Can’t wait until we get to snap an “elfie” together in person!
    • Hope we get to deck the halls together next year. Miss you so much!
    • Even though we can’t see each other this Christmas, I know that we will meet again soon, my friend. Until then, may the new year bring you peace, love, and good health in abundance.
    • Thinking of you and missing you this Holiday Season!Up for a video chat hot cocoa party? BYOM (bring your own marshmallows!)
    • We may be celebrating Christmas apart, but on Christmas Eve we’ll be looking up at the same starry sky.
    • Happy holidays! I’m thinking of you from miles away this Christmas and wishing you all the best for a blessed New Year. Be well, dear friend. 

    The Encouragement:

    • I know the holidays can bring up hard memories, too. Hope you’re taking time to care for yourself this season.
    • It’s okay if you don’t feel so merry this Christmas. Give yourself the gifts of rest and self-care, and know we’re always here for you.
    • Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and a lighter, brighter new year.
    • You deserve everything you want from Santa this year, and more
    • It’s been such a difficult time for your family. Know that we’re always here cheering for you!
    • I hope the holidays give you a chance to rest, recharge, and heal.

    Pure Holiday fun + joy:

    • Wishing the best of the season to you and your family. May Santa make all of your Christmas wishes come true!
    • Good tidings! I hope the holidays bring you plenty of wonderful reasons to smile!
    • I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…but if the white’s out, I’ll drink the red.
    • May your heart be full of cheer, and may all your kids’ toys come pre-assembled.

    Need to stock up on Holiday cards and other fun stationery, find all the fun on


    You Got this Printable Goal Planner Page


    Toss the sticky notes all over your wall, I created tho most adorable goal planner to display instead.  We can all agree it is much easier to focus on our goals when it is right in front of us.  Print out this super fun goal planner page in your hair color and skin tone below!  Add it to your little home office and make sure to tag me on instagram @laceeswan. And if you love this you will love my printable planner pages, see here.

    Goal Setting Printable Planner page

    Personalized Stationery!


    Who doesn’t love snail mail.  I’ve added more semi-custom Stationery Girls to the collections.  Perfect for sending notes to your clients.  Pick from one of my Stationery Girls and pick your hair style, hair color, skin tone + name.  Each note card is print on beautiful card stock.  Shop the collection here.