Oh hey Dakota Girl.


This City Girl has been spending some time back in her homeland North Dakota…the back woods have been inspiring me lately.  It’s coming in through some of my latest artwork….so be on the look out!! Looking forward to getting back to my Brooklyn life…..my cat, my roomies and all the exciting things I have lined up for the next few weeks!

{entire outfit is vintage!!}

Feather and Lace.


Hi there!! No sun here in New York, rain, rain, rain!  This was taken a few days ago when the sun was here on a little thrift store trip with my roomie + blogger + my photo taker Brittany.  I am wearing this same outfit as I am getting ready to go to a party at the  Ace Hotel.  But switching to some docs, oh how i love my doc martins~they always save the day!!  AND I am loving wearing this feather in my hair, possibly the new bow?

outfit: vintage lace top, vintage skirt, vintage shoes, vintage mini back pac from Stella Dallas

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